Install GarlicOS on the Anbernic RG35XX Plus

You can find the Anbernic RG35XX Plus on Amazon here. ( or here )

It’s your best bet for fast free shipping, returns, and the prices are similar to ordering it direct from China.

Now that you’ve ordered the RG35XX Plus, we’ll customize it.

If you prefer video, I made a version of this guide on Youtube:

Part 1: Fresh Install of the Stock Firmware

We’ll first install the Operating System (OS) that comes with the device. Do not skip any steps.

  1. Make sure you have The Unarchiver for Mac installed.

  2. Download and install the Balena Etcher app.

  3. Make sure you have at least 1 SD card.
    I highly recommend that you buy a new SD card instead of using the one that comes with the device. The included SD cards are cheaply made and have been known to fail over time. It’s worth getting a new SD card:

  4. For RG35XX Plus, go to this page. Look for the link under the latest 16GB version. As of this writing the link looks like: ( still check the page because it might have a newer version! )

    • Unzip the download if need be.
    • Ignore rufus-3.21.exe as this is a Mac.
  5. Right click on RG35XX...something..something.7z and choose Open With > The Unarchiver This will have created a file that ends with .img.

  6. On the Mac, open the app Disk Utility, and format the microSD card with the format set to ExFat. Name the disk whatever you want. I chose RG35XXPlus.

  7. Now launch the Balena Etcher app.

    • Click the button labeled Flash from file.
    • Choose the file that ends with .img from the previous step.
    • Click the button labeled Select target and choose the formatted microSD card.
    • Click the button labeled Flash!
    • Grab a soda, this may take awhile :)
  8. Once the flash is complete, eject the SD card from your Mac and insert the newly formatted card into the RG35XX Plus. Power on the device and it should display installing… and eventually boot into the stock OS.

  9. Enjoy!

Part 2: GarlicOS for Anbernic RG35XX Plus ( optional )

As of this writing, GarlicOS is very much in an Alpha or early software release phase. Install if you would like to see how it works. If not adventurous with your own device, be sure to check out my video instead.

This is how to install GarlicOS on your RG35XX Plus.
Do not skip any steps. This will require 2 microSD cards

  1. On the Mac, open the app Disk Utility, and format a second microSD card with the format set to ExFat. Name the disk whatever you want. I chose TF2.
    • Note: The first stock OS microSD card we made in Part 1 above is still needed and should be in the TF1 slot of your device.
  2. Download the bootloader archive and unzip on your Mac.
  3. Drag the dmenu.bin file and the device-resources folder to the first SD card, the stock OS card, which I named RG35XXPlus.
  4. On the second microSD card, named TF2, from the first step, create a folder named boot on it.
  5. Copy the OS init script into the boot folder we just made. You can right click on this link: GarlicOS and choose Download linked file as”.
  6. Download armhf-rootfs.7z from this page.
  7. Right click on armhf-rootfs.7z and choose Open with > The Unarchiver”.
  8. Drag rootfs-1.f2fs to the boot folder. The file should be around 2GB. This is expected.
  9. Eject the TF2 microSD card and insert it into the TF2 slot on your device.
  10. Power on the device and enjoy!
    • As of this writing, I haven’t been able to get a game to start playing with GarlicOS on the RG35XX Plus.

Note: If you’ve enjoyed the previous version of GarlicOS on RG35XX please consider joining Black Seraph’s Patreon. I’m in no way affiliated with them. However, none of this could be possible without their work. As with all modifications to devices, proceed with caution and enjoy it just for the sake of tinkering. Always make sure to back up your stock OS microSD cards.

August 4, 2024